A World of Wonder Awaits You...

Purple Door Alchemy

Purple Door Alchemy is designed for those yearning to understand and learn about the world of wonder we live in through: practitioner services, classes, events, and workshops taught and hosted by local practitioners, artisans, and readers.

At our workshops learn topics such as how to knit, how to read tarot cards, energy crystal meanings and properties, how to create a crystal grid, all about energies and chakras, meditation practices, yoga, and many more!

 Purple Door is proud to host a variety of practitioners and their services at our downtown Cambridge location. Services must be booked through the practitioners, whose contact information as been provided.

Practitioner Services 


Shamanic Energy Healing  with Krista Long

Chakra Healing Past Traumas leave energy imprints in our bodies, stored in the luminous energy field around our bodies. Krista uses a combination of  chakra illumination, inner soul journey and soul retrieval in order to heal the imprints so Past Traumas can be released and healed.

e-mail : krista.spiritdreamerhealing@gmail.com


Palmistry with Elizabeth Moore

PalmistryPalmistry is a form of fortune telling. Discover the insights provided from the palm of your hand!

e-mail : elizabeth.purpledoor@gmail.com





                                                      Rune Readings with Teresa

Teresa's specialty is helping you find your life path, clarity in situations and events that have happened or are happening right now, and to assist you in connecting with your own intuitive power and very importantly, your guides.  She offers Akashic Records, Direct Channeling and Intuitive Coaching.  Teresa is a Runes Caster, as Norse/Celtic Runes are her main tool.  Runes are an ancient divination system, and Teresa combines her sessions with Runes and a special Oracle Card deck.  
To book an appointment with Teresa (and I highly recommend Teresa!) please contact her at:                                                                                                                                                                     teresa@teresabintuitive.com



Reiki with Krista Long

ReikiReiki energy helps balance the Chakras to improve the flow of energy and overall function of the body on both the physical and emotional levels.

e-mail : krista.spiritdreamerhealing@gmail.com




Colour Therapy Readings with Elizabeth Moore

Colour Therapy Readings are based on three main colour choices, made by the client, to answer the main questions -                                                    

What's my Challenge and What action can I take? 

                     Readings are done by email currently.  



Colour Therapy Shadow Reading and Workbook 

We all have inner Shadows or Demons, that hold us back - block us from moving forward in a number of different ways.  They rear their ugly heads at the most inappropriate (for me anyway) times too - when we're on the cusp of success, happiness and love.  They typically prevent us from following our desires and achieving a happy, fulfilled life.

 Colour Therapy is one way of identifying and working through the Shadows that have appeared in life.  It can help you to move beyond any stuck patterns,  frozen emotions and resistance you're feeling.  When you purchase this reading you will be emailed colours to choose from and then a Journal to work through your specific choice.  

Colour Therapy Business Reading  

Colour is all around us!  We use colour to lift our moods, describe our energy and decorate our lives....So, the question is ~ how can we work with colours to help us move forward with our business?

Great question!!  Colour, specifically the colours we choose, can give us so much information....about where our energy levels are...where our business blocks are....why we're stuck....all of this is deep in your subconscious, and through the use of colours can be brought to your attention and worked through!  The wonderful thing about working with colour is that we can find our answers to all these questions in the very same colours!  We can work with colours to remove our blocks and help us to move forward in our Business and life! 

When you purchase this reading, you will be emailed colour choices and then a workbook/journal with exercises and activities to work through. 

Dark Moon Reading with Elizabeth Moore

Once a month, on the eve of the New Moon...is our Dark Moon.  It's the time to review the past month, reset your goals and realign with yourself...The readings are done on  the day of the Dark Moon and emailed out the same day. Once you have purchased your reading an email confirmation is sent out to the email address provided.   


Have you been feeling the urge to make some changes in your life? 

To get your life "sorted out"? 

To be a more "adultier" adult?  

BUT, you have no idea what to do or where to start?  Before you make any massive "throw it all out" decisions....Let's start with finding out where you are first.  Then we can set a few goals and plan out easy, doable action steps.  This is a six week program, included is-

~six one hour online/phone meetings,

~workbook and journal,

~support, guidance and encouragement. 



               Magnified Healing® with Elizabeth

Magnified Healing® is an energy healing modality that was channeled from Quan Yin. Magnified Healing works with the  energies of compassion and love through Kwan Yin to provide healing at the Highest. This technique balances karma and the chakra's, activates the DNA and aligns you to the 5 Higher Bodies.  



Ohana Generational Healing with Elizabeth Moore

Ohana Generational Healing Soul life Alchemy with Elizabeth MooreOhana Generational Healing is a hands on energy treatment to heal the traumas inherited in the stories of our family's history, helping to heal within DNA.

Elizabeth is a Teacher of Ohana in all levels.

e-mail : elizabeth.purpledoor@gmail.com



Inside Purple Door Membership 

This is a Monthly Membership through Purple Door.  Every month Elizabeth will be sharing a Master Class, Meditation and Work Book to help you gain clarity in your life to discover the changes you really want to make and the tools to help you.  This is an online space, to support, help and share in our life journey. For more details email - elizabeth.purpledoor@gmail.com 



Prices to be discussed with individual practitioner. To book please e-mail to elizabeth.purpledoor@gmail.com or follow the social media links above.