A World of Wonder Awaits You...

Beadwork Basics

Beadwork Basics

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Maybe the word basics sets up certain expectations, but Benson manages to discuss in the space of a few pages--in the introduction and in concluding paragraphs--bead fundamentals, including necessary tools and different techniques (peyote stitch, brick stitch, and bead weaving, among others). Twenty-nine projects constitute the meat of the book, each with color photographs, materials list, directions, and, if necessary, charts, diagrams, and a key to the various sizes of beads. Among the projects are cobalt-and-gold cabochon earrings, a beaded bouquet clutch bag, stickpins and barrettes, and a pin with the visage of Marilyn Monroe. Unfortunately, beginners will find the projects a bit frustrating, since the basics of beadwork are not only separate from the patterns but abbreviated in description as well.

