Your Personality Colour
We were all given a name when we were born. But what is actually in a name?
Our name carries a colour energy that offers us a key to our personality blueprint.
Pythagoras believed that there was a relationship between colours, numbers and the
A simple equation will help you discover what colour energy your name holds. Take a
look at how it works...
Take each letter in your name and locate its corresponding number in the right-hand
column on the chart.
Add up all of the numbers and next reduce it to a single digit.
For example:
Elizabeth Moore = 5+3+9+8+1+2+5+2+8=43 - 4+3=7
4+6+6+9+5=30 - 3+0=3
Indicate colour when ordering. All Colour Therapy mini Name readings come with two crystals, and a write up of the reading.