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This book is written in French!
Polyeucte by Pierre Corneille is a drama in five acts set in ancient Armenia (present-day Turkey) during a time when Christians were persecuted there under the Roman Empire. Polyeucte, an Armenian nobleman, converts to Christianity to the great despair of his wife, Pauline, and of his father-in-law, Felix. Despite them, Polyeucte becomes a martyr, causing Pauline and Felix to finally convert as well. Excerpt: "NEARCHUS. Shall woman's dream of terror hurl the dart? Oh, feeble weapon 'gainst so great a heart! Must courage proved a thousand times in arms Bow to a peril forged by vain alarms? POLY. I know that dreams are born to fade away, And melt in air before the light of day; I know that misty vapors of the night Dissolve and fly before the morning bright."