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The Body/Mind Purification Program

The Body/Mind Purification Program

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These two books promise to cure any ills by ridding our bodies of impurities, in much the same way that traveling medicine shows did in days gone by. Hendler's book repackages the same lists of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and seaweeds that he used in the Oxygen Breakthrough ( LJ 4/15/89), only this time he uses these substances to purge the body of addictions and obesity. Chaitow's Body/Mind Purification Program is well-illustrated and includes tests for readers to determine their level of toxicity. Chaitow's British accent contrasts nicely with Hendler's California style, and it may be a relief for some to know that our British cousins are at least as toxic as we are. The cornerstone of Chaitow's program is a ten- or 30-day detox regimen. His fruit and vegetable diets offer nothing more than dozens of other diets now available. Both of these books may appeal to a group of patrons that physicians would classify as "the worried well." Most libraries can safely skip these without having a gap in their health collection.
- Robert Schmid, Univ. of Health/Science, Chicago Medical School, LRC, North Chicago
Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.

